Saturday, November 24, 2007


There are many Moon Gods, but the Moon itself has always been perceived as the female Moon Goddess. The heavenly beautiful Full Moon is when we can draw on her power for lunar magick. We can cast our spells in accord with her cycles. She inspires & illuminates us.

The Magickal Moon is the astronomical body closest to us. She has a profound influence upon us. The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon. This is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick.

The Sun & Moon are in opposite signs now & the qualities of both signs in which they fall are lit up with a current running between them. Set your intentions on the New Moon. Release your intentions on a Full Moon to the spirits.


Here is the Artist Guide to the Magick Moon color correspondences for the different Moons throughout the year. Starting with All Hallow's Eve the first Full Moon has the color of Dark Blood Red. Every Moon there after has a corresponding color in the following sequence:

1 October * Dark Blood Red
2 November * Pale Blue, Crystal Silver
3 December * Black
4 January * Purple Violet, Blue Violet
5 February * Blue
6 March * White
7 April * Yellow Green Lime
8 May * Pink
9 June * Bright Orange
10 July * Golden Yellow
11 August * Dark Green
12 September * Burnt Dark Orange
13 Extra Full Moon Year * Dark Blood Red

In some years there are 13 Full Moons before the next All Saint's Day. In these instances the 13th color is used which is the repeat of the All Hallow's Eve Moon. The dark red symbolizes the wine we drink in celebration of these years.

'May the FORCE be with you & may you also be ONE with the FORCE!'


© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


  1. Hi Lyndy,

    GREAT post and very illuminating!

    Sending magickal full moon blessings your way as well! '-)

    Best Always,

  2. Beautiful post and beautiful photos, Lyndy. There's much inspiration and magick to be found in the moon, and it's always a treat to read a refresher on the lore surrounding it. Thanks so much for sharing it!

    Sending blessings to you too. :)

    ~ Carolee

  3. Good Morning Chris, our California Full Moon this Thanksgiving weekend was bright & beautiful. She illuminates my autumn garden with her bewitching magick.

    Magickal Moonbeam Blessings, Lyndy

  4. Good Morning Carolee, I just love the lore & magick surrounding the moon too. My beautiful black cat Magick is mesmerized by the full moon. He looks up into her shinning face purring.

    Magickal Moonbeam Blessings, Lyndy

  5. Hi Again Lyndy! I'm glad you took up the challenge- Charlton Heston! He is absolutelty one of the greatest screen actors of all time! All of your "randoms" are great fun to read...
    Hereis how I did the links- On the Blogger "Dashboard" where you construct the blog there is an icon near the top left center of the small screen for links- I typed each named and opened another window to get each address then highlighted the name, chose the link icon and pasted in the link. Your blog looks as if you are a master, it looks great! I hope this helps! Warm wishes!John

  6. Hi Lyndy :) Hope you don't mind, but you're it, lol....I'm tagging you for one of those "five random things" things. :) Here are the rules (which I'm pretty sure I didn't follow correctly, but then, following rules has never been my strong suit anyway.):

    1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

    Have fun. :)
    ~ Carolee

  7. Who doesn't LOVE the moon? Thanks Lyndy!

  8. Hi Lyndy,

    Very nice post and as Chris says, very illuminating! (lol!) Love the pics that you included. Our days have been overcast so I missed the full moon.

    Moonbeam HUgs,

  9. Hi John, OK I think I figured out your link instructions... THX! Also love your 'Random 5' too, great read! A Zoo??? I have never even been to a Zoo.

    Must have been a wild & fun childhood, Lyndy

  10. Hi Carolee, I'll post to my blog soon in the mean time I'll leave my 'Random 5' on your comments. I was going to tag you, but you got ahead of me...

    John tagged me first! LOL, Lyndy

  11. Hi Melissa, I see you got another Blogspot. Same or different creations???

    Have Fun, Lyndy

  12. Hi Becky, I heard your overcast has now turned into rain. Stay warm & cozy.

    HUgs & Kisses, Lyndy

  13. Thanks for telling me about the Santa blog Lyndy, I love your black cat clock-what artist created it?

    Suzanne in CT

  14. Hi Suzanne, sorry you missed Sinter Klaas Fest too! Like I said it was WUNDERBAR!!! You can still visit the Santa Claus Site anytime though. It was a lot of fun & great International PR.  

    I won something from Germany for my Blogsite Santa Claus Day presentation too, I can't wait to see what it is.

    Johanna is showing my Black Cat Cross Over Christmas Decorations on her blogsite & they look even more beautiful. I will be adding more of my favorite original Black Cat Art Christmas Cross Decorating to my blogsite.

    The third PIC reveals my beautiful black cat clock 'Mr. Wishes' is a OOAK by Christy Meyer AKA CCsWhimsies.

    Fröhliche Weihnachten, Lyndy

    P.S. I'll add these 'Santa Claus Fest' comments to my Christmas Cross Decorating post...



Thank you for taking the time to fly by & leave your kind comments. I hope everyone will continue to come & sit a spell with me & all my fur babies whenever you need a little fantasy flight. Have an Enchanting Day!

Cosmic Blessings,
Lyndy Ward