Friday, April 18, 2008


"I have lived such a wonderful life! I’ve lived enough for two people."
October 4, 1923 ~ April 5, 2008

Charlton Heston an American legend, Academy Award winning actor of film, theater, television & loyal patriot, passed away April 5th 2008 at the age of 84 after enduring several years battling Alzheimer's disease. Lydia, his wife of 64 years was beside him, as she had always been.

Charlton Heston is known for his spectacular movie portrayals of generals, saints, kings, American presidents, Moses & other amazing characters. He was also a huge supporter of civil rights, marching with Martin Luther King & JFK. He was a persona carved in stone on-screen & off, embodying a high-minded code.

The Washington Post stated: 'Charlton Heston was the hawk. He soared, his shoulders soared, his cheekbones soared, his brows soared, even his hair soared.'

I bet Chuck is soaring in heaven right now heading up a league of Angels to help those here on earth where ever there is a need.

My favorite memory of Charlton Heston was when he was our Taft High School's graduation commencement speaker. I was head of my senior class steering committee with my friend who's father's best friend was Charlton Heston. We begged Ben Hur himself, very little begging. Moses AKA Chuck was thrilled AND SO WERE WE!

On graduation day when Charlton Heston walked up to the podium & said in his booming voice 'Hello, I'm Charlton Heston,' I though to myself WOW this commencement will be etched in my memory like it was written in stone by Moses himself... How cool was that!!!

* If anyone has candid photo's of Charlton Heston speaking at our Taft High School Graduation, please contact me by leaving me an email through this Blog or on MySpace TODAYSGOLD.

Charlton Heston will be missed but not forgotten because of his magnificent legacy through his film & written works.

Our Heartfelt Prayers & Condolences To The Heston Family & His Close Circle Of Friends,
Blessings Always, Lyndy Ward


© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


  1. Lyndy ~ What a great tribute to Charlton Heston. He will be missed!

    PS: Love your new magickal kitty at the top!!!

    Spooky Hugs,

  2. Hi Dear Chris,

    I just missed finding Charlton Heston's real MySpace too by one day. I still requested his family keep it going as a tribute to him. AND hopefully they will & let his fans continue their love for him...

    Great Big Hugs & Kisses, Lyndy

  3. WOW well hopefully Charlton's family will keep his MySpace page going.

    Thanks again for the lovely Beatles post on mine today! :)


  4. Hi Chris,
    Charlton Heston was my Father's favorite actor & now they have both passed. It's sad when your favorite Icons pass away & even sadder when one has to endure family members passing away.

    I'm glad I always said I Love You to my late parents a million times. Life's to short not to!

    The Beatles music always makes me smile & my Mother's old fashioned lemon chicken soup is very soothing & healing.

    I altered a Beatles famous (in the public domain photo) with psychedelic colors & added my own sentiment. I think it came out pretty good.

    I just attained the name LADY LYNDY CREATIONS.COM & LADY LYNDY CREATIONS.NET. Our Domain Holding Company is using them for perfume adds for now until I can work on a website. Which comes after my art book's website. AND that one is really a headache, because of it's complexity.

    I have another surprise for you soon too...

    Oh & I just wanted to say in regard to someone's past comment on not being able to update a blog that dazzles by some is not laziness but in my case means being busy with other important things like completing obligations, writing books, creating flash websites & making enough income to support all that. Etc...

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  5. Hey Lady Lyndy!

    You know that I love surprises! '-)

    WOW ~ I don't think you have enough projects going right now! LOL (wink)

    Thanks as always for your friendship & lovely blog posts!

    CK :)

  6. Hey CK,
    Nope, never enough projects. LOL, wink back atcha!

    AND I just want to add here:
    Your Elvira portrait is spooktacular.

    Elvira is my friend on MySpace. I know the secret for her accepting new friends. But if you already made the request it's to late. :(

    I'll put in a good two thousand words for you on my comments to her...

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  7. Hey Chris, (part two)...
    I would never tell the secret in public. Elvira could get very spooky, LOL!!!

    I'll see what I can do when I visit her MySpace, because her site is set to private.

    XOXOs, Lyndy

    PS. I'm still trying to get the John Lennon site that Yoko's in charge of. Yoko is my friend, but there must be a few hundred thousand ahead of my request for John Lennon. Yet Yoko, became my friend (like Paul McCartney) in less than an 5 minutes... Go figure, Huh. I read on Paul McCartney's comments that some of his friends waited over three months to become friends.

  8. Thanks Lyndy! I am not worried in the least about MySpace friend adds in general...I'm not on there much anyway. It was not meant to be!

    Thanks anyway! :)

    Spooky Hugs,

  9. Hey CK, that's a negative outlook. I have only been on MySpace a couple months & I love it because you're seen by the entire Internet across planet earth. That's why so many celebrities, musicians & artists love MySpace. It's the future for promotion. Just check out Martin Scorsese & The Rolling Stones promotions of MySpace only a few weeks ago.

    Some of my artist friends tell me they sell more off their MySpace site than eBay or Etsy put together. Remember Evelyn, IWAM leader? She really is a friend of mine & she swears by MySpace for selling her artwork. She tried to get me to join MySpace over a year ago.

    Blogspot draws very little attention accept for the usual circle of friends that really only sometimes comment & never pay the higher prices in the long run...

    I'm not going to be buying anymore art on eBay (maybe a few pieces now & than), I don't like their new policies, especially on hidden bidders.

    Anyway, I'll tell you in private later when you feel better about MySpace what you can do to get the numbers up. It's the only place that really is locked into the worldwide community.

    After all Google just became partners with MySpace. Google will pay at least $900 million in shared revenue to become the exclusive search provider for MySpace.

    If your art is just a hobby, than disregard what I wrote.

    HUGS, Lyndy

  10. Hi Lyndy,

    I'm fine with MySpace & I appreciate your thoughts.

    I just do not have the time right now to devote more than I have already to MySpace. I only bacame a member there because you asked me to.

    My art is my full-time job and not a hobby. I am sorry you will not be buying more art on eBay, regardless of how you feel about their policies. I don't agree with all of their policy changes but it is still a great venue for selling art.

    Enjoy your time there and I will still check in from time to time. But I much prefer blogging than posting on MySpace.

    PS: I was not being negative just honest. It is truly how I feel right now about MySpace.

    Take Care!
    Chris :-)

  11. Beautiful Heston tribute, Lyndy! He was one of the last greats of the true Silver Screen.

    Hey...can you tell me what the secret is to selling on MySpace?

    Loads of HUgs coming your way,

  12. Hi Lyndy ~ Great tribute to a wonderful actor, who faced a terrible illness with courage and dignity. I loved reading about him speaking at your high school commencement too - what a wonderful memory!

    ~ Carolee

  13. Charleton Heston was awesome as an actor... one of the greatest film actors ever! I hear from people who knew him that he was a very thoughtful human being , full of charm and class. America has such a wealth of film greats- Chuck Heston was right there at the top!- Thank you for this tribute Lyndy-
    Warm wishes- John

  14. Hi Chris,
    I see you as today's Andy Warhol. He became famous by breaking into the celebrity world through one & on one chance meetings at various star hangouts. He just kept at it, showing them his work. Than one day, poof overnight success.

    MySpace has the stars, celebrities that will pay $150.00 plus (tons more) for commssioned portraits, not eBay, not Blogspot & various eBay affiliations.

    I've already talked with over 50 artists on eBay that say it's time to move on & keep eBay as the back burner. Even the top paid artists ($1000 +) on eBay say business cooled down right after the new policies went into effect.

    All it takes is building the right foundation on MySpace with the right connections. Statistics tell the truth.

    Blogging is fine, but getting your FANTASTIC ARTWORK out there & making a real living at it takes more than that. AND personally, my opinion I don't have enough time for all my projects as is.

    I love the shorter comment side to MySpace, this gives me more time to create.

    The stock market shows a decline in eBay stock due to their changes I'm assuming...

    Hey did you unlock your back door to accepting MySpace friends? I didn't even know there was one until yesterday & already I'm getting 5 plus friends a day...


    XOXOs, Lyndy

  15. Hi Becky, I'll email you privately all about what I found out through extensive trial & error about the Secrets Of Being Successful On MySpace...

    OR, another great Blog don't you think???

    HUgs Back At You, Lyndy

  16. Hi Carolee,
    Yes, my graduation day was MAGICAL to say the least...

    I'm still trying to find the photos of my graduation day with Charlton Heston from my Taft High School Alumni which in itself is a project. Mine have been missing since the break-in & burglary.

    Hugs, Lyndy

  17. Hi John,
    Missed you & your lovely comments!

    Yes, I was very lucky to have such an amazing film star & legend speak at my graduation. He was a kind & considerate gentleman to the very end...

    I'm still trying to find the photos of my graduation day with Charlton Heston from my Taft High School Alumni which in itself is a project. Mine have been missing since the break-in & burglary.

    Warm Wishes Too, Lyndy

  18. Lyndy ~ I truly appreciate ALL your help! :)

    Best Always,

  19. Chris ~ Your Welcome! :)

    Best Witches,

  20. Oh, I like that...'Best Witches'...LOL!


  21. Always Best Witches Becky,

    Beltane Has Lift The Veil,
    Be One With Mother Earth & Father Sky.
    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy

  22. Thanks Chris,

    May Celebrations Bares Repeating Everywhere...

    Beltane Has Lift The Veil,
    Be One With Mother Earth & Father Sky.
    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy

  23. Lyndy ~ Hello sweetie & thanks for stopping by my blog today! Thanks for the lovely note & your gorgeous MySpace comment/graphic!

    Happy Friday!


  24. Popping in here to say hello & thank you for being a great blogging friend!

    CK :)

  25. Hey Chris, hope all is well.

    I've been working my book & other goodies...

    Thanks for checking in on my Blogspot. I have a question for you.

    Check out my name LADY LYNDY on Google & hit image... Surprise!

    What meta-tags did you use to do that?


  26. Hi Sweet Lyndy!

    Thanks SO much for the vote of confidence!!! :-X

    BTW: As for the Google link, that was a "happy accident" as I have not added any special Meta tags.

    I did register my blog with Google's search engine to be in their listings...that must be why...that WORKS!!! '-)


  27. What a kind tribute Lyndy! I've been in my basement working away so much that I didn't realize he had passed away... You must have such fond memories of that special commencement speech...

    I hope all is well with you!... Missing you....

    ~ Johanna

  28. Hi Chris,

    I think I'm registered with the Google Search engine. I'll have to double check that now that you mentioned it...

    Hugs, Lyndy

  29. Hi Johanna,


    Thank you for the very sweet comment. It feels like I've been in the basement for a couple of years too & we don't even have a basement, LOL...

    Your artwork, photography & fun posts are a wonderful blessing for all to enjoy as well!

    Miss You Too With Great Big Hugs, Lyndy



Thank you for taking the time to fly by & leave your kind comments. I hope everyone will continue to come & sit a spell with me & all my fur babies whenever you need a little fantasy flight. Have an Enchanting Day!

Cosmic Blessings,
Lyndy Ward