Thursday, October 25, 2007


By Lyndy Ward

The sun sets on yet another smoke filled night,
Southlanders scurry to run from their plight,
So many of us hope for rain,
Yet nothing falls from the sky accept ashes & pain.

Castle dwellers say their possessions won't posses,
Nothing could be further from the truth since finding their burned nest,
Fresh air & clean blue skies are a thing of the past,
Only tears of hope from the knowledge that this won't last.

Don't let John Lennon's 'Coming Together' turn into a dream hallucination,
Without acknowledgment this becomes another global warming prediction,
Be aware of whence evil came,
Otherwise we all have only ourselves to blame.

Let the thick dark heavy velvet fog roll in,
Tomorrow the reapers day of reckoning will begin,
Dig yourself out from an early grave,
Let the breath of life be your soul you save.

Whisper softly to the wind show me the way,
Your guardian angel never left you & will always stay,
Spirits past, present, future like smoke intertwine,
You're not alone, you're part of humankind.

Look deep down into your lessons learned,
Were you a kind soul or a demon less concerned,
Halloween Wildfires we all have been there,
Listen with your heart & let your spirit care.

A gentle smile, a genuine hello, time heals sorrow, hugs heal pain,
Many before & many more will come, remember to tell them all knowledge is gain,
Hold onto your dreams, they cannot be burned or fade away,
Only unconditional love & truth can unlock the future & finally save the day.

Save (if you can't) then hug a fur baby, cat, dog, bunny, horse, etc... These fur kids will always be the innocent spirits that will either perish or remain.

10/25/07 CA Southland Wildfires Sun Photo taken from my backyard with the camera pointed directly at the Sun.

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


  1. A very heartfelt poem, Lyndy....joining you in prayers for hope and healing. ~ Carolee

  2. So beautiful Lyndy find such Beauty in such sadness...means ones heart is connected to the true emotion... which is life.

    I send you spirtual blessings to find and lead the way through this darkness into the light....


  3. Lyndy.......that was beautiful! May this all end soon. Prayers for you and all of Cali.


  4. Beautiful poem Lyndy!

    In with anger and out with love! '-)



  5. THANK YOU Carolee, Jodi, Lori & Chris. I appreciate all your prayers & concerns...

    (((((Halloween Hugs & Chocolate Kisses))))), Lyndy

  6. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poetry with us. I know this is a terribly difficult time for so many in the southern part of our state.

    We are still a little wobbly here after a 5.6 earthquake tonight at 8:04.. the largest since Loma Prieta. Let's hope it's the last one for a good long while!

    I linked to you just now, I apologize for the delay. Time has gotten away from me lately.

    Halloween blessings to you!


  7. OMG Kitty, I'm so sorry you & your precious family had to go through this 5.6 earthquake. Tomorrow check your walls inside & out for structural damage & cracks. We have been through so many earthquakes here in Southern California I've lost count.

    But the worst earthquake for me was the 1994 Northridge earthquake, sections of the 14/5 interchange here collapsed, LA Police Officer Clarence Wayne Dean, unaware that the interchange had collapsed was killed attempting to use the overpass on his motorcycle just after the quake. The interchange was renamed after him upon reopening.

    He was my best friend, but more than that he had asked me to marry him but I choose my Tommy.

    Your earthquake was centered in Milpitas, CA near your City Hall, 11 km (7 miles) E (91 degrees)
    San Jose. My other best friend lives in Milpitas & when you Blogged me I was emailing him a Halloween eCard.

    Earthquakes scare the bejesus out of me now...

    You are all in our prayers & please keep in touch. I say this with tears in my eyes...

    Try to have a 'Safe & Non Shaky Halloween'. It will be a very spooky Halloween for you because you probably will experience many aftershocks.

    Heartfelt Blessings Always, Lyndy



Thank you for taking the time to fly by & leave your kind comments. I hope everyone will continue to come & sit a spell with me & all my fur babies whenever you need a little fantasy flight. Have an Enchanting Day!

Cosmic Blessings,
Lyndy Ward