Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Scary Salutations, I wanted my first blog to be about my favorite holiday HALLOWEEN, but a more important emergency situation is taking place in our own backyard. I feel the need to express my concerns.

It's been really scary around here in southern California with all the wildfires. On Sunday, October 21st, 2007 we had to call 911 to report yet another fire burning down the foot hills from our home. Thank God, the courageous fireman were already on this... The skies above our home have an ominous glow. AND breathing in the particulants are starting to make us all cough & sneeze with tearing stinging eyes.

Our heartfelt prayers are with all those unfortunate souls & spirits (animals & fauna included) that lost everything in these wildfires. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off everywhere. Our Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says to pray for rain & I agree.

Here's today's sunset 5:55 PM 10/23/07 photo taken from our backyard with the glow of the wildfires in the background.

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


  1. Hi Lyndy..stay safe! My Uncle Jerry lives in Rancho Bernardo and he called Monday to let us know they evacuated him at 4am...pretty scary to have the police banging on your front door. We have not heard from him...doen't sound good on the news!! I have a lot of reletives all around San Diego I'm praying every one is OK.

    Just devastating!!!


  2. Great blog Lyndy! Sorry to hear about the firestorms. I was just watching a special on 60 Minutes about firestorms this past weekend. How awful, hope your home will not be affected and you guys will be ok!


  3. Hi Lyndy! Our prayers are for you and all Californians! Hey- welcome to the blogs!

  4. Lyndy, your pic is so lovely and yet so sad. =o( Stay safe!


  5. We're praying you and everyone are safe, Lyndy~ I have many loved ones in S. Cal and I hope they are safe. Hugs, Emily

  6. Hi Lyndy ~ Joining everyone in prayer for the safety of those affected by the fires. We have many friends in southern California, but haven't been able to reach any of them on the phone yet. {{{Hugs}}}...~ Carolee

  7. Thank you all so much for your concerns & prayers about the firestorms here in CA. It's so scary! It's like an apocalyptic scene with entire streets leveled, cars reduced to charred hulks of metal & homes with only chimneys left standing.

    One of the oddest scenes was a part of Witch Creek Rancho Bernardo where over 500 houses perished, yet the acre pumpkin patch right in the middle of this remained unharmed...

    Blessings To All, Lyndy

  8. Stay safe and please keep us updated. We're all thinking of you!

  9. Lyndy,

    What a heart wrenching situation you have in the South-land.. My prayers are with everyone affected by these awful fires.

    Be safe!


  10. Stay safe, Lyndy! My heart is with you, Tom, and the fur babies.


  11. THANK YOU Lori, Kitty & Becky... Your kind thoughts mean so much to me!

    (((((Halloween Hugs & Chocolate Kisses))))), Lyndy



Thank you for taking the time to fly by & leave your kind comments. I hope everyone will continue to come & sit a spell with me & all my fur babies whenever you need a little fantasy flight. Have an Enchanting Day!

Cosmic Blessings,
Lyndy Ward