Thursday, January 31, 2008


Bachelor's Grove Cemetery famous ghost of a young woman on the gravestone.

This photograph appeared in both the Chicago Sun-Times & the National Examiner. It was taken during an investigation in Bachelor's Grove Cemetery on 8/10/1991 with a group of GRS Ghost Research Society members. The picture is an enlarged black & white infrared shot taken of an area where many of the group noticed something unusual with some of the equipment they used. It shows a young woman sitting on a gravestone with parts of her lower & upper body being somewhat semitransparent. The dress she is wearing is also out of date. It was taken by member Jude Huff-Felz.

Many Orbs at the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery entrance 9/16/2007

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Chicago Illinois, USA is rated as one of the top ten haunted cemeteries in America. This abandoned Chicago burial ground is the subject of numerous legends & ghostly tales. Hundreds of different reports of strange phenomena have been collected about the place. Including actual apparitions, unexplained sights, sounds & even glowing balls of light, misty orbs & vortexes.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Mist captured using a 35mm camera.

The haunted history of the place began in 1844 when the area was set aside as a burial ground, first called Everdon's. The cemetery saw its first burial that year & it was in steady use until 1965 when things began to drop off. It should be noted that the last actual burial there was in 1989, when the ashes of a local resident were interred on the grounds. However, before that time & since the place has been abandoned & vandalized. In the middle 1800s, the cemetery became known as Bachelor's Grove, although history is a bit cloudy as to how this name came about.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery mist captured using a 35mm camera.

Today the Bachelor's Grove Restoration Project is in full swing & the community has come together bringing back the peace & harmony.

The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep,
Which is enduring, so be deep!
Heaven have her in its sacred keep!
This chamber changed for one more holy,
This bed for one more melancholy,
I pray to God that she may lie,
For ever with unopened eye,
While the pale sheeted ghosts go by!
The Sleeper's 3rd Verse

Blessings For Peace & Harmony Everywhere, Lyndy

© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


  1. Hi Lyndy!

    WOW what a fun and interesting read!

    I thoroughly enjoyed this bit of history and great photos!!!

    Have a GREAT weekend Diva! :)

    Divo Chris :-)*

  2. Hi Lyndy!

    Jeez, sorry I disappeared on you.. it's been an unbelievable week. I'll email you nd fill you in. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you!

    I love your pictures.. how cool! Thanks for sharing them.

    xo Kitty

  3. Hi Divo Chris, thanks for stopping by & always being so positive & uplifting.

    I seem to be on a real Ghost & Haunting search right now. It's fun, but do you know I actually had some strange things happen after I posted those real Ghost photos. For one thing, I could swear I saw that mist forming outside near our waterfall. AND when I went outside to check it out it suddenly disappeared.

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  4. Hi Kitty, thanks for stopping by. I know how busy one can get. No worries...

    Spooky photos, but I think they are super too. I took some photos of our eerie sky today when the sun was setting & OH MY, there were ORBS. I'll post them later...

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  5. Hi Lyndy,

    Thanks for stopping by and always being such a good friend! You always say the nicest things and brighten my day!

    Thanks for the compliments on the blog,rose post, and my new challenge piece. I have been really bummed recently because my eBay sales have not been doing very well and sales on eBay are really sloooow in general. Thanks for cheering me up!

    Interesting about the ghosts scenario...maybe you opened a portal somehow with your blog post...I do belive in ghosts/spirits as it were. I feel you are a kindred spirit and feel we are both "open" to it, if you know what I mean?

    PS: GREAT new blog music & looking forward to seeing your new orbs photo!!!


  6. What wonderful photos, Lyndy - I love the one of the woman's ghost, she looks so sad. Thanks for sharing this. :)

    ~ Carolee

  7. Hello Lyndy, Thank you for the comment on my blog. Sounds like you had an interesting childhood. What a dream growing up on a ranch in CA. I would love to see some of those photos on your blog - and some of your father's artwork too.
    Take care, Jen

  8. Wow!... Hair-raising pics Lyndy! Thank you for sharing that cemetary's story with us... It's truly fascinating isn't it?...

    PS... I hope you received my email.. I've been having some email troubles..ack!... I posted my new email addy on my blog.

    Miss you!
    ~ Johanna

  9. Hi Lyndy,

    Hopefully this comment will make it to your blog! I tried leaving one the other day and it didn't 'take'.

    I agree with Carolee that the ghost looks very sad. I wonder who she's waiting for?

    Yes, show us those pictures of your family ranch and some of your parents' art!

    Big HUgs,

  10. Hi Chris, I need to email you privately... LOVE YOU SWEETIE!
    XOXOs, Lyndy

  11. Hi Carolee, thanks for your email & stopping by my blog.

    I see something else in the photo no one else has mentioned in the history of this famous ghost sighting. Look at the tree in the front of the photograph, a white mist is reflected on the trunk of the tree. I really see a complete white reverse silhouette. I'm going to scan this & outline what I see.

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  12. Hi Jennifer, since both my parents have passed on, I gave away over 200 of their beautiful paintings to my family & close friends. I kept around 50+ paintings. The paintings were not archived & the photos of my past are 35mm. So I will have to scan everything I have left.

    After my first artbook is completed, that will be my next project. Maybe even another book about growing up on a residential Southern California Ranch.

    I'm also working on a Louis Wain website & George Ford Morris website to showcase my collections of their original hand signed (autographed) artwork & their other original first edition forms.

    We own the Internet name's & These are in holding by the domain company until I can get to that project. Unfortunately many domain companies use their clients domain names as directional billboards until the sites are under construction.

    I almost flipped out when the Rolling Stone Magazine company used my as a billboard until I finally got a host & posted 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION'...
    Bountiful Blessings, Lyndy

  13. Hi Johanna, thanks for your email & stopping by my blog.

    Yes, it's more than spooky, wait till you see what else I found in the photograph...

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  14. Hi Becky, thanks for your email & stopping by my blog.

    I see something else in the photo no one else has mentioned in the history of this famous ghost sighting. Look at the tree in the front of the photograph, a white mist is reflected on the trunk of the tree. I really see a complete white reverse silhouette. I'm going to scan this & outline what I see. YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!!

    To reiterate, both my parents have passed on, I gave away over 200 of their beautiful paintings to my family & close friends. I kept around 50+ paintings. The paintings were not archived & the photos of my past are 35mm. So I will have to scan everything I have left. After my first artbook is completed, that will be my next project. Maybe even another book about growing up on a residential Southern California Ranch.

    I'm also working on a Louis Wain website & George Ford Morris website to showcase my collections of their original hand signed (autographed) artwork & their other original first edition forms.

    AND as you know, I already own the Louis Wain & George Ford Morris .Com domains.

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  15. Hi Lyndy ~ thanks for stopping by and the well wishes/encouragement on revisiting the postcards...will do!

    My internet was behaving badly and is now back up SO email me when you get a chance!!! :)




Thank you for taking the time to fly by & leave your kind comments. I hope everyone will continue to come & sit a spell with me & all my fur babies whenever you need a little fantasy flight. Have an Enchanting Day!

Cosmic Blessings,
Lyndy Ward