Monday, January 21, 2008


Exquisite Victorian Funeral Coach, Driver & Beautiful Black Friesian Horses. The Friesian Horse is also known to have been the breed that the Knights Templar choose to ride during Medieval Times.


Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.

We passed the school, where children strove
At recess, in the ring;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us;
The dews grew quivering and chill,
For only gossamer my gown,
My tippet only tulle.

We paused before house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.


The Belle of Amherst Victorian American poet so alone, depressed & surreal.

Emily was talented & ignored in life. She lived a mostly introverted & reclusive life. A Marlene Dietrich if attention arrived, with melancholy in her lines yet lyric in her words.

Inspiring deep & dark contemplation, Miss Dickinson was a prolific private poet choosing to publish fewer than a dozen of her nearly eighteen hundred poems.

Interesting how life & death has come full circle for Miss Dickinson. With the old adage, 'History Repeats Itself' in Emily's last verse:

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.

Fortunately for us her poems have been published through the last two centuries by her close friends & relatives.



Miss Dickinson was buried
at the West Cemetery,
Amherst, Hampshire County,
Massachusetts, USA.

Luck Is Not Chance, It's Toil; Fortune's Expensive Smile Is Earned!

Blessings Filled With Love & Inspiration, Lyndy

© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


  1. Hi Lyndy,

    Lovely post and what a great read! Thanks for sharing that with us.

    I'm still awaiting fortune's exspensive smile! '-)

    Best always,

  2. Thank you for sharing that, Lyndy!


  3. Hi Chris, thanks for sharing too. I love that photo I found surfing on the Internet of the Victorian funeral coach. It's so eerily beautiful because of the gorgeous black horses.

    Blessings Always, Lyndy

  4. Hi Becky, thanks for stopping by...

    Blessings Always, Lyndy

  5. What a cool post! Love it!
    Sandra Evertson

  6. Hi Lyndy,

    HAPPY FRIDAY and I forgot to mention your poem at the top of your blog is lovely! Well done!

    PS: I hope that you don't mind me using the name "Spookendipity" in my new piece?! HAD to use it...too cute!

    Have a GREAT rest of the week!!

    Chris :)

  7. Hi Sandra, thank you for stopping by & taking the time to leave your lovely comments.

    I, like you try to make my Blog fun, interesting, magical & always promoting positive inspiration. Many hours go into my 'PICs & Musings'. So it's nice to know my viewers have enjoyed their visit.

    I've always enjoyed your whimsical Blog. I never leave your site until I've read & even reread your wonderful posts. When I visit, I feel like 'Alice In Wonderland' entranced by the magic & charm of all your art work & photos.

    Hopefully you'll want to trade Blog links with me one day.

    Cosmic Blessings Always, Lyndy

  8. Lyndy, what a wonderful read about one of my favorite poets. Thanks for sharing it....

    ~ Carolee (love the Enya too!)

  9. Just stopping by to check on you and see what you have been up to. From the looks of it you have been busy.. The blog looks great. Hope all is well.


  10. Hello! I'm new to the 'blogging' world, and I stumbled across your site. One of the most interesting I have viewed thus far. Thanks for the insight on such an inspirational poet!

  11. Hi Chris, Thanks for your sweet comments. I think I'll do a blog on all the words I've coined & others have coined that pertain to Halloween. Or maybe a 'Lady Lyndy' on the meaning of Intellectual Property. I've just been waiting for the right time...

    It must be coincidence with Bloody Mary & the Ouija more subjects I wrote about in eHag. Hours of research went into them. I have an extensive collection of Ouija Boards dating back to the 1850s when they were called Talking Boards. You just have to know the correct sorcerer's secret to cleansing them before bringing them home & using them, or they can be deadly.

    Maybe I'll write about them with real life stories, close encounters & PICs of my vast collection later this year. I really need to get my first website finished & my art book published. The website is taking forever because it's flash.

    Last but certainly not least, of course I'm a Dragon & my hubby is a Tiger. Courage with Passion or Passion with Courage can be seen in all our endeavors.

    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy

  12. Cheerio Carolee,
    Long time no see...
    You must stop by for a cup of tea.
    A short poem by Lyndy!


    Thank you for sending me that Lemon Ginger Tea with the Magickal Brew Tea Chest I won last year. Like I said it was yummy. AND the tea chest was another beautiful OOAK Carolee Clark art work. As is Merlin's Magical Brew Tea Chest.

    Cosmic & Lemon Ginger Tea Blessings, Lyndy

  13. Hi Kim, glad you stopped by.

    Your blog looks great too. Lots of time & work goes into any creative process that comes from the heart & soul.

    I try to make my Blog fun, interesting, magical & always promoting positive inspiration. So it's nice to know my viewers have enjoyed their visit.

    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy

  14. Hi Cassidy, glad you stumbled by my blog & left a wonderful comment.

    Emily Dickinson is one of my favorite poets & my personal views on her life was written from my heart during a time of mourning for my own dear friend.

    Stay with your goals you have set forth for yourself at Purdue University. Remember, lots of time & work goes into any creative process that comes from the heart & soul.

    I try to make my Blog fun, interesting, magical & always promoting positive inspiration. So it's nice to know my viewers have enjoyed their visit.

    Good Luck With Your Studies & Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy

  15. Hi Lyndy,

    So nice of you to stop by! :)

    I remember your posts in EHAG well and miss them!

    Your Ouija board collection sounds really neat. Looking forward to you sharing more on your blog someday!

    As for the Lady Lyndy endeavors...well I know that you are a perfectionist like me. Better to do things right the first time!

    Lyndy you are the "luckiest" of all the Chinese signs being a dragon!

    Have a GREAT & creative week!!! :)


  16. Hi Lyndy! How could I not come back to your blog! I am the loser for waiting this long! What's this aboutTODAYSGOLD PUBLICATIONS? That sounds like a wonderful thing- I also think you show do interviews and webcasts on your own internet radioshow! (I'm serious)
    I'm so glad I visited your wonderful blog today... it is one of the best on the web!
    Warm wishes, John

  17. Great blog with lot's of interesting stories and information! Love the photo of the Friesian horses pulling the hearse.

  18. In an email message dated 1/23/08 8:53:30 AM, writes:

    Hi Lyndy,
    Beautiful picture of the funeral coach being pulled by one of my favorite breeds of horses, Friesian. They are so fairytale looking with their arched necks, feathered hocks, and extra long tails & manes. They were used mainly for pulling carriages, but these days they are used for riding, too.

    Did you know that their ancestors carried knights in the medieval times? My other favorite horse breeds are Arabians, Andalusians, and Tennessee Walkers. All of these keep their heads up and arched.

    Sigh….I still wish for a horse...

    HUgs, Becky

  19. Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the sweet comments, you alway's know the right things to say.

    Sometimes even I need those COMFORT WORDS on a cold winters day...

    Blessings Be Bright, Lyndy

  20. Hi John, you're so very kind & thoughtful.

    I'll write more on my TODAYSGOLD PUBLICATIONS in a very detailed post soon...

    My hubby is setting up a webcast broadcasting system for his boss 'The Doc' & say's we should do exactly what you said with interviews, art work & collections. I'll give it a lot of thought after my first art book is published.

    XOXOs, Lyndy

  21. Hi Jennifer, thank you for your kind & thoughtful comments. Your art work is lovely. Especially your horses, very fine & detailed work. Are you familiar with George Ford Morris? He is my favorite horse artist.

    I'll have to update my Emily Dickinson post with the Friesian info. My best friend emailed wonderful information & I did more research on those beautiful horses as well.

    I grew up on our ranch in Woodland Hills (yes a real ranch). We had two beautiful Palomino's & one beautiful Bay Horse: Queen Of Gold (Queenie), Dell & KC. I could ride a horse & swim before I could walk. Those were the days. Hope I can find those vintage photos. My Dad painted beautiful horse & landscape paintings. My Mom painted pretty flowers & gardens.

    Bright Blessings Always, Lyndy

  22. Hi Becky,
    Thanks for the wonderful information on the Friesians & I did more research on those beautiful horses as well. I'll have to update my Emily Dickinson post with the Friesian info.

    I was very lucky to have grown up on our ranch in Woodland Hills (yes a real ranch). We had two beautiful Palomino's & one beautiful Bay Horse: Queen Of Gold (Queenie), Dell & KC. I could ride a horse & swim before I could walk. Those were the days. Hope I can find those vintage photos.

    My Dad painted beautiful horse & landscape paintings. My Mom painted pretty flowers & gardens & I painted renditions of our family, horses, Poodles & our giant Tuxedo Cat. He was bigger than a medium size German Shepherd.

    HUgs Back At You, Lyndy

  23. Lyndy,

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I stumbled upon your page while searching for victorian art and carriages. The true fate of it is, I was looking for carriage art because I am hoping to get a tattoo influenced by Emily Dickinson. In fact, the exact poem you posted with the picture is the poem that influenced my life from a very young age and the one I want to pay homage to through body art. I am now an english major and would not be here, for many reason, if I did not have my collection of Emily's poems. The most worn page has always been "Because I could not stop for death". The picture you posted is so useful for my search and I am so lucky to have found your site. I cannot thank you enough and am so glad the beauty of Emily's work is cherished by so many others.
    You have a wonderful site!


  24. Hi Sarah, I'm very happy you found my Blog too. Thank you for the wonderful comment. If you do get that Emily Dickinson inspired tattoo I hope it's the Victorian Carriage with those gorgeous Black Friesian Horses. Take a photo when it's finished & I would love to add that PIC to my Blog. I hope you'll come by again soon.

    This Easter Sunday on my Blog I'll be debuting a commissioned artwork of me as 'Lady Lyndy'... You'll have to let me know what you think of my alter ego portrait.

    My mother's last words were 'Everything Happens For A Reason'. I have thought about those words for many years now. When something goes negative on a personal level, what is the reason? It's never clear at first but than there it is, like the answer to every personal sadness is to make us enjoy our happiness so much more. I don't know why I needed to tell you this, but felt there was a reason.

    Cosmic Blessings Always, Lyndy



Thank you for taking the time to fly by & leave your kind comments. I hope everyone will continue to come & sit a spell with me & all my fur babies whenever you need a little fantasy flight. Have an Enchanting Day!

Cosmic Blessings,
Lyndy Ward