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For Vintage Collectibles & Golden Age Hollywood Movie Star Memorabilia
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Monday, January 25, 2010



Lisa Swifka a whimsical Bohemian, artist, storyteller & dreamer is the creator & host of this event. In 2007 the original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world. It closes the gap of the blog community & enables one to interact, discover new & wonderful people & in the process possibly win a prize(s). OWOH is really about finding kindred spirits.

This is an INTERNATIONAL event, it transcends geographical location, socio-economics, political affiliation & religious beliefs. Generating a closer community between humans through blogging.

Think of this as taking a giant tour of homes. You get to stop in, look around, meet the people who live there, admire & be inspired & before you go on to the next one you leave a comment with your name & you just might win a door prize too!


VALUED AT $25.00 ~ $35.00

Three lucky winners will be receiving one Forbidden Planet Movie Promotional Postcard. This is a beautiful 1967 vintage postally unused oversized 5 3/4" x 4 1/8" divided back postcard. Featuring: Anne Francis as Altaira 'Alta' Morbius in her pretty micro mini gold sequin dress & the beloved Robby The Robot. Published by Postal Oscarcolor, S.A. ~ Hospitalet Barcelona with a wonderful publisher's mistake.

Anne Francis was a popular & beautiful star in her day, so was Mitzi Gaynor. Anne Francis starred in Forbidden Planet & is on front of this Forbidden Planet promotional postcard, not Mitzi. Yet Mitzi's name is credited on back for the beautiful Altaira on front of this Forbidden Planet postcard. When a celebrity photo card or postcard has the wrong name of the celebrity, this mistake increases the value. Not a miss-spelling, but a real publisher's error by assuming the celebrity is some other celebrity.

* VINTAGE in postcard collecting means AUTHENTIC & ORIGINAL to a specific date. Vintage sixties movie & TV postcards are VALUED AT $25.00 - $35.00 & greater depending on condition. I love collecting vintage postcards & this is one of my favorite movie postcards. This Forbidden Planet postcard is a beauty!!!

#1 You must leave a comment to be eligible to win.
#2 You must have a way to link back or leave your email address so you can be contacted if you should win.
#3 All entries must be made before midnight February 14th 2010.
#4 Three winners will be announced February 15th 2010.
#5 All entry names will be printed out, rolled into a ball & placed in my Genie Bottle, shaken not stirred & the first three to pour out are the winners.

* UPDATE 1/31/10 ~ TWO EXTRA ENTRIES in your name will be added to my Genie Bottle if you join my Follow Me list. WHY? Because everytime someone links to a blog it raises both blogs standing in Google & all the search engines.

If you have a blog & would like to join the giveaway just click the OWOH logo above or at top in my sidebar for all the details...

Thank you all for partaking in this fabulous ONE WORLD ONE HEART kindred spirit open house tour. Before you leave please don't forget to leave a comment & have fun!!!

Cosmic Blessings With

May Your Valentine's Day Be Magical!
Lyndy Ward


The Vintage Forbidden Planet 1967 Postcard Featuring Altaira & Robby The Robot on this post is part of our personal Cool Collectibles Collection & can be purchased in our eBay Store. For information & PICs of our Postcards & COOL COLLECTIBLES please click above.

© 2007 ~ 2010 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~


1 – 200 of 221   Newer›   Newest»
DVArtist said...

Hi Lyndy. First off O love our blog! I too am participating in the OWOH give away. Check it out


Creager Studios said...

OMG...what a glorious Gift...Richard was soooo in love with her in that movie...keeping fingers crossed I win this for him... GREAT prize Lyndy!!!


snippetgirl said...

Hey Lyndy!!!
First of all, I LOVE the kitty riding on the carpet!! That is MY kind of carpet ride :)!
I would love to win your fun vintage postcard! Please throw the SnipPet Girl's name into the hat.
Purrs and xoxo,

Donna said...

Awesome! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Jingle said...

What a neat postcard and thanks for sharing about the wrong name stuff...that's just cool!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a wonderful giveaway!

Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Thank you for the chance to win.
=) melanie

SheilaC said...

Great blog and very unique give away! Thank you for the opportunity to enter!

And thanks for stopping by my OWOH post.


Mahala said...

I love this!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love the vintage aspect of this postcard. I'm not sure I can call it vintage, although I don't know any of the actors. I'm still totally impressed with your giveaway.

JJ said...

Hi Lyndy, as a true collector of 'Vintage Postcards', I know what that means. Authentic & Original! AND I would be honored to participate in your Todaysgold OWOH Giveaway. Please consider me, I still do not have a blog yet, but you have my email address.

I fell in love with Anne Francis when she starred in Honey West, the first female detective show to air on TV. SUPER COOL VINTAGE POSTCARD!

XOXOs, James J. Masterson (JJ)

LYNDY WARD said...

Hi JJ,
Thank you for reminding me that not everyone gets the description 'Vintage' for postcard collecting. I've added that to my post. LOL!

From Your Authentic, Original & Yes, Vintage Friend...

XOXOs Back At You,
Lyndy & My Black Cat Magick

geni said...

Your vintage card is a great giveaway!
Thank you for the chance to become a happy owner.
And thank you for taking the time to visit my OWOH blog yesterday!

Micki said...

Thanks for stopping by and I love the vintage card so please do enter me.

KnutzEls said...

Thank you for taking a look at my blog. I love your starry one. Really nice.

Priti Lisa said...

What a magical blog. Thank you for your visit.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway. Your name is in the hat.

Jodaeodesign said...

Love science fiction and vintage, please include me in your drawing

Debby said...

What a great giveaway, fun to be on the carpet ride. Your blog is awesome, love it. Would love to be entered in your drawing.

Laura said...

Fantastic vintage postcard. Thanks for stopping by my OWOH blog stop. Count me in.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this generous giveaway i love the postcard and hope that you pull my name out of your genie lamp :)

Caitlin said...

How cool!


foxygknits said...

Hi Lyndy: Just flying by to put my name in the drawing. I remember Ann Francis and Mitzi Gaynor very well!

And thank you so much for stopping by Foxy G’s Den of i-KNIT-quity, #113 on the Magic Carpet Ride: ♥

Lynn Stevens said...

kewl posrcad and from my era LOL , please sign me up and thanks for entering mine!

sewfunky said...

Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a great giveaway of yours! It's nice to meet you and don't forget to come visit me at both of my blogs!

Carapace said...

You've been by my blog.

You know this postcard is destined for me. I am using my mental super powers to command my post be the one selected. Look, I have neon circles emanating from my skull and the background music is all theremin-heavy now! Coooommmme to meeee...

Ok, better stop before my Id Creature takes over.

So glad you joined the Flight!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

The card is absolutely gorgeous!!! Of course I'd love to win one :-) So please include me in your drawing!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!
And thanks for stopping by my blog!

Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

Tristan Robin said...

oh, wow.
I love "Forbidden Planet" - even the musical stage version! And - well - Anne Francis - I've had a crush on her since "Honey West" was on tv!

I would love to have my name rolled up and put into your genie bottle!

Thanks for entering my name - and thanks for visiting my blog!

silvia said...

Awesome postcard!! Please add my name to your genie bottle

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Lyndy, You are very funny and very sweet! It hadn't occurred to me, but you may be right...the rose covered box looks just right for a magic wand.

Barbara Haviland-Texas Contemporary Artist said...

Thanks and please add me.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

"In their day..." Now wait justa minute...those women are still beautiful! -smile-

Marie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on the magic carpet!

Carole Burant said...

Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!! hehe Please add my name for your giveaway, I'd so love to win that gorgeous vintage postcard:-) Make sure you come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you! xox

barb cabot said...

This is my husbands favorite movie. I would love to give this to him for a gift. Hope I get lucky. This is a very cool site. Thank you for participating.

Lyneen said...

LOVE POSTCARDS... I participate in Friendship Postcard Friday every week. I have a collection of them that I love. Great to know about the miss naming on the celebrity postcards. I could see adding one of these to my collection.

What a wonderful magic carpet ride this has turned out to be. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway. GOOD LUCK
OWOH. I am #177

HippieDog said...

sounds magical....please count me in :) Stop by my place too xo

Digital Misfit said...

Very cool blog!
I love that postcard. She would be framed and displayed with my favorite art pieces for sure!
Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride.
I hope you get a chance to visit me over at #258 on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada

martha brown said...

This is too funny -- I just watched this movie (for the umpteenth time) a few nights ago! Please enter my name in your draw -- thank you!

Flora said...

Ahahaha!! What fun!!! Please add me!!

Sandra said...

Hi Lyndy, I would love to have my name entered in your drawing. Love your blog, what a magical flight of fantasy! I have become a follower, and will return. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Sandra #146

Deborah said...

Oh how cute!!! Please count me in!

Rella said...

What an amazing give away!!! Please enter me in and thank you for visiting Faerieluna.

xox Rella

Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

WOOOOW !!! I want it !!! please count me in !!!
Thank you for dropping by and visiting - and of course, entering my giveaway. Hope you'll come back...
Good luck with my giveaway !!
OWOH# 240. Titbelsoeur toute Seule

My Creative House said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, your gifts are great, so please count me in your drawing..

Regina said...

Lyndy...thank you for flying by on your Magic Carpet Ride. (#760) Isn't this just the greatest adventure?

I LOVE vintage...vintage anything!!
Please enter my name......


Chris said...

Oh so cool. I remember watching that!!
Fab give away please count me in :D
Chris xx

vintage wil said...

What a gorgeous give away!!!

Aileen said...


Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, good luck!!

Count me in for your fun giveaway!

Happy Creating,


jennifer said...

great giveaway! queendragonfairie at

carylsrealm said...

Wonderful! Please sinclude my name! :)

Sherry said...

Lovely giveaway - thanks!
I hope you can come see mine (if you haven’t already!) at

Sherry from England, UK (ticket#251)

Thornton Berry Shire Press said...

Hey Lyndy, thx so much for the cool comments...and yes, it looks like I took my inspiration of Janis from the Monterey in your photo...I have to say this is without a doubt the most exciting blog I've seen thus far...amazing work and time put into this...I'm brand new and Lisa was guiding me to create...I had black background but she talked me out of it...ha ha...any way, after this is over it's time for me to catch up to you on design...well done you! I'm adding myself to your followers...count me in..I used to pretend to be Mamie Van dorn...ha ha...we'll talk...june

Teresa aka Tess said...

Wow, doesn't say enough! I love your giveaway and your blog. Awesome! I remember Robbie the Robot, I remember the actresses. I Remember....oH my gosh I think I'll stay and browse awhile. :)
Add my name to the magic bottle please...
Teresa aka Tess
P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Betty Boogie said...

Great postcard!!!! What a fun story about it too!

Maminka Girl - Loribeth Robare said...

Wonderful vintage it! Thanks so much for visiting.

Eva said...

What a fun giveaway!

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :D

Lady Artisan

Gina Luna said...

Wonderful to meet you!

I can see we are both cat lovers!

I am very excited about the Magic Carpet! How fascinating!

Please count me in!


Gina Luna

Antonella said...

Great giveaway, I almost fell off my chair when I saw Robbie - gee, so glad vintage doesn't mean old - lol. Please enter me for a chance. Thanks for stopping by #234 on the magic carpet.
Hugs, Antonella :-)

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Excellent, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name! I hope you will drop by my blog (#431 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Lyndy! Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win! Thanks so much for your sweet visit! Lisa :)

Yvonne said...

Wonderful blog and great giveaway. Gld you visited mine. I'm #736.

Lorri said...

I would love to win your awesome giveaway!
Please include me in your draw, and pop by and visit my blog too if you get the chance :)

Cindy McMath said...

Fantastic card! Please enter my name in your draw - thanks so much!

Cindy :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you kindly for visiting my blog too! Nice to "meet" you- the postcard is great! Plz enter me!

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

wow, what a sparkly place you have! Love the postcard! Have a great weekend!

sweetdaisydreams said...

your giveaway is lovely and I would be quite happy to win it,lol I have really enjoyed looking at your blog and all your pretty posts,. thank you for sharing, love from Glenda

Terri Kahrs said...

I'm so happy the magic carpet stopped by my blog so that you could visit! What a great giveaway! Good luck in mine too! Hugs, Terri

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hey Lady! ~ Popping in 4 a belated howdy. :-)

PS: Forbidden Planet is a fave of mine.

SpOOky CK (-:


Pixiewinkle said...

Please include me in your lovely giveaway! #276

Susan said...

Hi Lyndy, What a beautiful and interesting blog. It's such fun to learn a little something about fellow bloggers out here. I'm excited about your giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing. And thank you for stopping by my blog. Warmest regards, Susan

Anonymous said...

How lovely, please include me....


Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hello Lyndy! Thank you so very much for stopping by my realm (#263). It's a pleasure to meet you! What an enchanted gift you are offering, and what a very cosmically-inspired realm you rule. I'm very happy to have dropped by...Theresa (Faerie Moon Creations)

nancy said...

love steppin' wolf!
perfect for OWOH,
count me in #254

Leslie said...

Hi! A very cool postcard. I love all things vintage! Thanks for the chance to win!

CreativSpirit said...

I would love to be entered in the draw for your lovely postcard gift.

I'm having so much fun exploring all the beautiful and varied blogs, I'll be back to have a better look around when I have some more time.
I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop on by for a visit and enter in my draw.

rochambeau said...

Hey Lyndy,
GREAT giveaway,
and spectacular carpet flying cat you have!!!
Wishing you continued sparkles!

Maggie R said...

Great Prize.
Please enter my name,Would love to win....
Thanks so much,
Hop on the Magic Carpet and come to my blog. I am #362

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Fabulous!!! I would love to be the winner! Please enter me and come enter my OWOH giveaway too!

(#185 A Vintage Cottage home)

Sherrie said...

Greetings from Maine. I wasn't expecting to find the postcard.....fabulous. Please count me in. I have to win this. Thanks.

Bibi said...

Very cool, please include me

Unknown said...

Wow your blog is awesome, I'm now following it too...plz add me to your drawing them come over to mine I'm #717


Please add my name to the hat! :o)

Unknown said...

Anything retro, and I love it...the postcard is awesome...please include me in your draw and thanks for entering mine! melinda

Knerten said...

What an awesome giveaway from a generous lady; I would be so happy to receive. Please come see inmy blog if I can tempt you as well on thie OWOH ride; welcome !

Marie S said...

Add my name to the hat please, I love that postcard.
Thank you for participating OWOH.
So very nice to meet you.

PinkPug,INK. said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Anji Gallanos said...

Very cool. Love it! I would love to enter your giveaway.

Thanks so much

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win, it is lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada.

crystal said...

Wow, what a neat giveaway item!!
I have been enjoying your blog and i am looking forward to visiting often :)


angelandspot said...

I love vintage postcards. I would be happy to add this one to my collection should I happen to be the lucky winner.

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Lyndy, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the gorgeous forbidden planet postcards. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


Nikki said...

Hi Lyndy, I love the Forbidden Planet postcard, neat! If you're interested in a "wee planet" of your very own, feel free to enter my giveaway, #831. Best wishes! ~Nikki

Rich Witch said...


Please count me in!


Rich Witch

Please visit my Blog for a Magical prize:

Tara said...

Hello Lyndy! What fun postcards! Thank you for stopping by to visit me at Loveleigh Treasures today, it was a pleasure to meet you!

Kathy L said...

OK your postcard is way cool. Please enter me! Your blog is great!

Patricia said...

Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. Please enter me in your give-away - it's beautiful. Have a wonderful new week.

Marianne said...

Hello from Utah! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Great giveaway you have- I love nostalgic things like that! Please count me in and have a terrific day!

Bethel of Bethania said...

G'day Lyndy
What beautiful giveaways...
please include me...
And thanks for flying over to My Place... OOroo... Bethel

apinkdreamer said...

thank you for visiting my blog!!! your blog is fantastic!!!!!!!i haven't seen before anything like this! i wish i had mine like yours!!!!

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

Oh how COOL! I love Forbidden Planet!~~XXOO, Beth

risa said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway! This is my first year in OWOH and it's been quite a ride!

Lovely giveaway! Please throw my name in the hat!

OWOH #554

Islandgirl said...

Would love to win one of your postcards! Thanks for stopping by my blog #269 on your kagic carpet ride!

glassrod at

Unknown said...

Well I for one am glad that I made a trip on the magic carpet to your blog - it is so fab!

Thank you for comment on my blog too xxxx


Nanbon44 said...

please throw my name in the hat... #649

Pat de Verre said...

bonjour from French Riviera and thanks to stop your magic carpet by my blog. Please add me in your wonderful drawing.
Pat de Verre

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

Thanks for the fab giveaway...I became a new follower too. thanks for stopping by and commenting on my OWOH post and becoming a new follower on my blog...#886 Maple Ridge Vintage.

Jona Panesa said...

thanks for dropping by my blog. would love to win your giveaway too!

Salihan said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier and the chance to win the awesome postcard! Hope you enjoy the rest of your magic carpet ride!

#932 OWOH

Misti Ko said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, fellow human.

Alice Stroppel said...

lots of memories with this postcard. Please enter my name. Please stop by my blog to sign up to win my crazy girl bracelet. ticket holder #807

Jasmine said...

Pleased to meet you Lindy. I love the forbidden Planet theme, and the cat on the mat is so gorgeous. King of Bling.

Blessings xJ

Just Jenn Designz said...

Ohhhh, I just love vintage postcards! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

ozlynda said...

Hi Lyndy from Australia,
What a terrific giveaway.
I love vintage cards.
Please enter me into the draw.

TERE said...

Hello from California~
Wonderful Give Away!
... great blog.. thanks for stopping by my blog.... the postcard looks great! I use to be a huge sci-fi collector... that was an excellent movie too!
take care!

enjoyed your blog.
TERE :) on a magic carpet ride! *whoosh*!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Stanza Rae said...

My husband would love me for winning this, I can't tell you how many times I have HAD to watch this movie.

thank you for inviting me to visit your blog and to enter your giveaway.

Please visit my blog and enter to win 2 pairs of handmade earrings. (#903)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting! Love the vintage postcards! Please enter my name in your drawing! Thanks.

VintageCrafter said...

Hi Lyndy! Great blog and music! Please toss my name into your magic ball and then Pick Me :)
I would be thrilled with the wonderful postcard!

caronbc said...

Hi Lyndy,
Your movie memorabilia is fantastic. I loved Forbidden Planet!
Thank you for this opportunity to visit you and to be in your giveaway.
Caron #553

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for visiting my blog too.

lisanelsonart said...

Greetings, Lyndy! Please enter me in your drawing - I'd love to win. I'm already a blog follower of yours. The kitty on the magic carpet is adorable. You're inspiring me, dear. Hugs and Blessings, Lisa

Singtatter said...

I have a collection of old Singapore postcards, would love to add on to the collection. Thanks for the giveaway!

Dschrader said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Dschrader said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Peggy Parker said...

Very cool give-away! Love authentic vintage items! Please enter my name, and thanks so much for visiting my blog! peggyswfl at yahoo dot com

artbeckons said...

sounds like fun - thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

Artbybdell said...

What a cool giveaway. Thanks for you generousity. Also thanks for stopping by my blog

baukje said...

I' ll love to win , please count me in.

Lola said...

Great giveaway -- love your blog. Thanks for stopping in & visiting mine. Happy flying!

Tarnished Rose said...

I collect postcards and this would be a great addition to my collection. Please enter me in your giveaway.


bethbbk said...

Love this movie!!! Please include me.
Beth (989)

Team Tesla said...

Great give away! Please Add me.

Becky said...

Flying by on my magic carpet. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please enter me in your drawing. I love old postcards, and have a few myself.

I'm #1005 in the listing. Isn't that fabulous that there are that many participants?

If anyone else is reading these comments, please visit my blog at and enter my giveaway for OWOH.

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Lyndy ~ WOW!

Thanks SO much for the kind words!!!

I truly appreciate your support and friendhip as well!!!

Your post cheered me up and made my day. :-))


SpOOky CK (-:

Betty said...

I actually remember it being over 65! Please include me and thanks for visiting #314, Lotion in a bar

Peggy said...

Beautiful blog and a fun gift! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

vicki said...

Cool giveaway. Thank you for visting my blog. Vicki

Catherine said...

Hi Lyndy! very enchanting Blog! I am inspired and love your giveaway :0) Please include my name in your drawing! This event has been such a blessing! Thank you for your comment. Blessings, Cat #1063

Nicole and Andrew said...

thanks for dropping by my blog eariler :o)
wow that postcard is a beauty, it could well be the begining of a collection for someone

Nancee said...

Hello Nancee here from Your happy quilter. Sure is nice in your I know I'm going to come back often for sure.

Youngish said...

Hi Lynda! Cool giveaway, please include me

Sally Van Nuys said...

enter me in the OWOH giveaway - what a cool prize! Srop by and see what I have to offer as a prize, too.


Gini said...

Hi Lyndy,
It was Nodding Neddy's glasses that clinched the deal for you wasn't it? I knew that with those specs he was onto a winner ;-)

Please count me in.

Fabulous giveaway.
Thank you for your generosity and I hope you have a wonderful year blogging with all your new friends.
Gini (Entry #1040)
A Little Bit of Shiny Blog

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Hi Lyndy,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering. Your giveaway is fabulous. The postcard is awesome!

Magic Carpet #460
Southern Illinois, USA
prpldy@comcast dot net

Slavetobeads said...

So many beautiful web sites. Yours is awesome too. Please add me to your giveaway and thanks for stopping at mine.

The Feathered Snail said...

Thanks for visiting my blog giveaway! A black cat charm it is for you if you win! :) I love cats too!!!

Please enter me in your giveaway!

Barbara Barth said...

Thanks for stopping by my site #1047. Your blog is amazing. And what purfect music! Please enter me! Barbara

Sharon said...

This would be something really cool to win. One reason is that I always forget Anne Francis' name and try to remember what it is. Then I'll start describing her to someone and I can never remember what I've seen her in. So, with this, I'd never forget again! Thanks for the chance to win and for coming by my blog. It's really nice to meet you.

CathyH said...

This is the coolest giveaway, thanks!! I love robots!
With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035

vesna said...

count me in!thanks for sg at my blog.vesna

Jenny said...

Love your vintage card. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the awesome giveaway.
Jenny x

Birgit said...

What a cool postcard -- thanks for the chance! :)

Thanks also for visiting my blog. It has been a pleasure to welcome you there.

Greetings from Munich,

Johanna Parker said...

Hi Lyndy!

Thanks for inviting me to join in and drop my name into your magical genie bottle!... What a cool giveaway piece!.. You must have a fabulous collection of vintage postcards.... Lucky me already won your vintage Munsters card.... Maybe I'll get lucky again, but chances are slimming with all the other folks here anxious to win!

Hope all is well!!
Hugs & Purrrrs,
~ Johanna

nologic said...

I've had a great time wandering your blog. I love the post card. Please enter me in your drawing.

Kristal said...

Hi Lyndy, thanka for stopping by Grace Goods for my OWOH giveaway!

Oh, what a cool item you are offering! Love, love, love it!!! Toss my name into the hat, please?

Isn't this a fun trip? There is so much eye candy to see!
Nice to meet ya!

Unknown said...

misaacmom at gmail dot com
#752 OWOH ticket holder
Unites States

I need a genie in a bottle! this is great too though

Valrie said...

Magical blog thing you have going on here! I got energized with the music!

Thanks for visiting me earlier too!


Nicecrane Designs said...

A big hug Lyndy:

Thanks for visiting my blog,,,and for your comments to my collage sheets,,,,I love yur blog,,,,,,it have so manu different things,, i love all vintage,,,,waht a curius pict of marylin,,,,,,,,well cont with me i want i want i want a one,,,,,,and feel free to ask me 3 FREE COLLAGE SHEETS,,,,,,,,you have a new friend,,,,,,,

mitz said...

oh my.. this is just
** card-tabulous ** thanks for
the opportunities.. t c

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I love 'Anne Francis in her pretty micro mini gold sequin dress'!

Glassgrrl Studios said...

wow, wow! What a stellar vintage treat you're offering! Old movies are the best (says the girl who hasn't seen many made in the last 20 years....). Fantastic!

DaCraftyLady said...

oh love all the trivia about mobvies I just love love love them especially the robots! :) Thanks for becoming a follower of mine I am now following you too! Please enter me in this wonderful give away..

yona c. riel said...

hi lyndy... enter me into your drawing.. i am #929 i think you may have entered mine already... ty yona..

Leslie said...

Great giveaway!!

Knerten said...

Thanks your lovely comment in my blog ! I like your giveaway very much, please enter me in your draw.
Best regards from Norway

Sandi M said...

Lyndy, what a cool blog you have designed! Fun giveaway also. Thanks for visiting my blog and directing me to yours. Count me in for your giveaway :)

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

What a FUN postcard! Thank you for riding the carpet caravan and for visiting my blog! :)

Nana said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. Love yours! Please enter me in your give away and come visit again!

Barbara Marr said...

Thank you for visiting my blog # 840. You have some very generous gifts and do Illuminate.

Grace said...

Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. What a fun blog to visit on the magic carpet. Thank you for sharing!


Kate said...

Thanks for the visit and the chance to win!

Jennifer said...

So exciting!! Great giveaway. I love vintage goodies. Thanks for adding me to your drawing. :)

suzanne said...

What fun and generous give-aways!
Waving to you from my magic carpet with Puma and Nibbleface waving down to you with their paws!

Suzanne in CT

Susan Burgess said...

Great giveaway I can just picture it in one of my pieces I plan on making with steampunk as a theme! Love love love your black cat! Cute magical blog too! Sanna

Cindy said...

I would LOVE to win this for my boyfriend! Thank you so much for the chance. :)


Cindy said...

I'm following your blog.


Unknown said...

What a cool giveaway & such great things in your shop! I love "Forbidden Planet!" Hope I win :)

Thanks for your visit to my Carpet Ride, #1104 & your entry.

I'm having fun visiting everyone & their fun blogs!

mary helen said...

Lyndy, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and entering my give away. I love, love, love your blog...sooooooo much fun! This truly is a magic carpet ride. :) ~mary helen

Colleen said...

What a wonderful gift. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sparklyjools said...

Hi Lyndy thanks so much for visiting me! What a unique gift - one of my favourite movies! I'd love to be entered! Jules#469

MoonWillow Art Studio said...

Well hello there! Nice to meet you :) Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks for poppin' by my blog & following me. I'm following you too ;)

Have a really great week!
Karmen OWOH #464

Jaye said...

Thank you so much for leaving a long and thoughtful comment on my OWOH heart post. I appreciate it and hope you will continue to read my posts and consider participating in the creative prompt project.

Rosanne said...

Fun giveaway!Thanks for flying by my blog!

Ginny said...

This is a great giveaway, super fun!

Shirley Cook - Jumping Jack Glass said...

Lyndy, what a cool gift this is! Thanks for including me in your giveaway, how fun this would be!

AJ said...

Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :


A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

AJ said...

Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :


A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

Shariyah said...

What a sweet give-away you have...I'd love to enter! Your postcard is just fab...If you haven't done so already, I'm giving away some goodies as well #135, so please visit my blog and enter mine if you'd like! Thank you, and blessings and love from New Zealand!

Anonymous said...

Hello from snowy Missouri
what a fun blog and nice give away My Husband would love to add this to his collection
I am having a lot of fun flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each one enjoying everyones creativity
carolyn h

julietk said...

Oh my what a blong blog you have :-D
Thankyou fot visiting my blog and joining my giveaway Please enter me into yours.
I love Robbie the robot :-) Happy blog hopping, juliet

Lilla said...

thanks for visiting me.
I am totally bedazzled! Wow!
How much fun you must have in this land of wonder.
Thanks for adding me to the draw.
aloha Lilla

Deborah said...

How interesting all this is. Please add me to your giveaway. I am #26 on the Magic Carpet Ride. I loved the movie Avatar and am hoping to go back and see it at IMAX again this weekend. I saw it the first day it came out at IMAX.

Papergail said...

Hi Lyndy,
thanks for visiting my Aussie blog(885), I am working my way around blogland on my very slow magic carpet. I would love to win any of your prizes.
Gail :-)

HeARTworks said...

"Kamusta" from the Philippines! I would be thrilled to win your prize-looks interesting! and if you haven't already, do drop by my blogs too!
patsy.paterno (at)

Evelyn's Wonderland said...

Hi Lyndy, Thank you so much for visiting my blog and your kind words. Oh! I love your blog and your giveaway. I would love the chance to win!
Thank you from South Florida,

greenest mermaid said...

Hi Lyndy!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog! What an exciting giveaway you have! Count me in! :)

roseworksjewelry said...

What a fun giveaway prize!

Nicola said...

Cool giveaway!!! Count me in and thank you for your lovely visit to my blog!

Deb said...

blog celebration & great giveaway, count me in!

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